Four Seasons Pediatrics

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Vaccine Information Statements

Vaccine Information Statements are the sheets of paper you receive in our office during well visits.  See all vaccines at the VIS Link or see them below grouped by your the well visit at our office. One more than one vaccine is listed, click the back button to read the next statement

1 Month Visit: Hepatitis B

2 Month to 6 Month Visit: DTaP; IPV; HIB; PCV13; Rotavirus

9 Month Visit: Hepatitis B

12 Month Visit: HIB; PCV13; Hepatitis A

15 Month Visit: DTaP; MMR; Varicella

18 Month Visit: Hepatitis A

3 Year Visit: Varicella

4 Year Visit: DTaP; MMR, IPV

9 Year Visit: HPV

11 Year Visit: Meningococcal; Tdap

16 Year Visit: Meningococcal

Influenza Vaccines: Live Intranasal Flu; Inactivated Flu;
